BobZeru Juice at work
Bobzeru Juice (real name Said Rasoul) has been in entrepreneurship for many years trying out different ventures without success. When he finished his secondary education it was clear to him that he wanted to do business.  He was first employed in one of his family friend’s company which dealing with transportation. After a while he left for a Mineral extraction job in which, did not pay off as he had wished. Understanding that failure is just part of the process, he was determined never to give up in life.
All along, his conscience would always drive him to business.  One of his friends who also noticed his abilities in entrepreneurship would always encourage him to start a fruit vending venture but he wouldn’t imagine the worth then. It was not until he was invited by another friend to manage a his Juice parlor in his absenter that Said rediscovered his popularity with clients. The friend had asked him to be reporting to work at 6:00PM to Midnight for just a week. However, his journey expeditions took longer than expected. Clients began to relate with him as the owner of the business. Due to his courteousness he won the hearts of many and that is when he realized he was cut out for business.
What was the rationale for him managing his friend’s business at night alone? Well, Said had a business in selling machinery spare-parts and electronics.
 “I started my business with used machines, refrigerator and the same store that didn’t work with my previous business,” He recalls how his business hit a hard rock forcing him to close and focus with the current brand- BobZeru Juice.
Entrepreneurship is taking shape in Tanzania at an alarming rate. However, many are failing due to lack of exposure, skills and the right networks to expand. We share such stories to help business minds like BobZeru get the right people who can facilitate them to move to the next level. We hope that you will enjoy the video below and offer help if in a position to. Remember; young entrepreneurs need skills, finance and exposure.  Thank you for being our valued reader.

Bob Zeru: A Resilient Entrepreneur in Juice Vending